Tuesday, February 12, 2008

All the gear, and no idea.

I missed my first session this week due to other commitments and struggled a bit in the second lesson as a result.

But I did get my suit, on the of the most exciting developments for any burgeoning martial arts student.

I could describe it in detail, but let's just say it is a fetching, and particularly badass, black.

Remembering how to tie the belt is going to be constant challenge.

As far as progress in MAMA, I think my kicking and punching is definitely improving. The hardest aspect of the whole thing is maintaining your co-ordination while completely knackered.

I think I need to start playing sudoko after a five mile run...

Monday, February 4, 2008


As you can see we had a pretty big class on Thursday.

Staff from Armley company Logistik gave the class a try as part of a free taster session.

One of the best things about mixed martial arts is its accessibility.

Anyone can get involved and enjoy it. No promises, but by the end of the session it is pretty hard not to have a grin on your face.

Ricky didn't eaxactly hold back with the newbies either. It wasn't the full-bored version class i've become used to, but not far from it.

Hopefully the next post will have some photos of me in a brand spanking new martial arts suit.

I might even look impressive, now that I can't promise...